Olmsted County, MN Bank Note History
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$10 April 20, 1859 bank note issued by Bank of Rochester, MN, Courtesy of Heritage Auctions, http://www.ha.com
The Banks, Bankers and Bank Notes of Olmsted County, MN (1864-1935)
'Hometown' Bank Notes showing the bank's name, and signed by local bank officers, were issued by most National Banks during the National Bank Note Era (1863-1935), and by several Obsolete Banks during the MN Obsolete Bank Note Era (1856-1866). Olmsted County had six National Banks in operation between 1864 and 1935, and all six of those banks issued National Bank Notes. Olmsted County also had one Obsolete Bank that issued Obsolete Bank Notes between 1858 & 1859.
Banks of Olmsted County
- First National Bank (Charter 5374) (1900-1916) (Liquidated)
- Bank of Rochester (Haxby MN-112) (1858-1859) (Failed)
- First National Bank (Charter 579) (1864-1993) (Closed (Merger))
- Union National Bank (Charter 2088) (1873-2000) (Closed (Merger))
- Rochester National Bank (Charter 2316) (1876-1924) (Liquidated)
- First National Bank (Charter 5330) (1900-1931) (Receivership)
- Stewartville National Bank (Charter 13615) (1932-1936+) (Open past 1935)
Bank Note Signers
Bank Notes

1882 Brown Back $10 bank note issued by The First National Bank of Stewartville, MN with pen signatures of Tobias Hogenson, Cashier and A. L. Brush, President, Courtesy of Lyn Knight Auctions, http://www.lynknight.com

1929 Type 1 $20 bank note issued by The Stewartville National Bank, Stewartville, MN with printed signatures of Homer Wooldridge, Cashier and C. E. Fawcett, President, Courtesy of Lyn Knight Auctions, http://www.lynknight.com
Bank Ephemera
Wiki Links
- Minnesota Bank Note History
- Information on the origin and history of National Bank Notes (Wikipedia)
- General information on Olmsted County (Wikipedia)
- General information on Minnesota (Wikipedia)
- Don C. Kelly, National Bank Notes, A Guide with Prices. 6th Edition (Oxford, OH: The Paper Money Institute, 2008).
- Dean Oakes and John Hickman, Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes. 2nd Edition (Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1990).
- R. Shawn Hewitt, A History & Catalog of Minnesota Obsolete Bank Notes & Scrip (New York: Smythe, 2006).
- James A. Haxby, United States Obsolete Bank Notes 1782-1866 (4 volumes) (Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1988).
- Banks & Bankers Historical Database (1782-1935), https://bbdata.banknotehistory.com