Banker Data Challenge by State

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Banker Information page for John Jay Knox

SPMC Bank Note History Project - Banker Data Challenge by State

See how your favorite State is doing in the Banker Data Challenge and help us out with gathering basic banker bio data (full name and birth/death dates) for the SPMC Banks & Bankers Database!

We already have almost all of the bankers who would have been signing National bank notes set up in the database (currently 65,000+ bankers). But most of those bankers are just in there with their first & middle initials, which makes it hard to identify them. So, we're trying to get basic info (full name and birth/death dates) into the database for as many of these bankers as we can. This information helps us tie together multi-bank (and multi-state) bankers and also provides a good starting point for further biographical research on these bankers.

How to Submit Basic Banker Bio Data

The easiest way to help us out with gathering basic banker bio data (full name and birth/death dates) is to locate the banker's page (or Wikipedia page if a famous person) and then submit that link to the Banks & Bankers Database. This link can easily be submitted when viewing that banker's Banker Information page in the Database.

To view a banker's Banker Information page, first you need to login to the Banks & Bankers Database from the website. Here is a link to the Bank Note History Project home page with instructions on how to get logged into the Banks & Bankers Database.

Once you are logged into the Banks & Bankers Database, the quickest way to get to a bank officer is to click on the Officer Search button in the upper left corner. Then, on the Bank Officer Search page, just type in the charter number for the bank your banker was associated with and click on the Search button to bring up a list of the bank officers for that bank. Find the banker in the list and click on the banker's name to bring up the Banker Information page. In the Comments, Links & Sources section, you will see instructions on how to submit a BioLink for that banker. See the screenshot to the right for an example of a Banker Information page. (Click on the image to enlarge it).

After a BioLink has been submitted for a banker, a database administrator will see that, and update the banker's bio info based on the link. The Banker Data Stats by State table below will be regularly updated with the latest banker counts. Thanks for helping us out!

Current Banker Data Stats by State

In the table below, the BankerBios column shows the number of bankers with basic bio info entered for them. The Total Bankers column is the number of bankers in the database for that state (including all Presidents & Cashiers, as well as VPs and Asst Cashiers that are known to have signed bank notes). The BankerPhotos column shows the number of bankers that have had their photo uploaded. This table will be updated regularly.

The table can be sorted based on any of the columns. Just click on the column header of the column you want to sort by. Clicking again on the column header will toggle thru the three sort order options. The arrow(s) on the sort column indicate the current sort order: Both-Arrows (Up & Down) is Original/Default sort order, Up-Arrow is Ascending, Down-Arrow is Descending.

Current Banker Data Challenge Stats (February 17, 2025)

State BankerBios PctDoneBios Total Bankers BankerPhotos PctDonePhotos
Pennsylvania 4903 77.1 6357 994 15.6
Iowa 2717 97.5 2787 488 17.5
Minnesota 1389 60.1 2312 380 16.4
New York 1386 28.1 4936 653 13.2
Illinois 1020 27.6 3689 431 11.7
Tennessee 988 97.8 1010 239 23.7
Nebraska 979 55.4 1767 448 25.4
Ohio 975 28.7 3397 422 12.4
Oklahoma 843 33.7 2501 276 11
Maryland 830 100 830 108 13
Texas 830 18.4 4508 337 7.5
Massachusetts 797 35.8 2226 365 16.4
Alabama 720 96.3 748 59 7.9
Missouri 641 49.5 1296 232 17.9
Indiana 549 26.1 2101 191 9.1
Oregon 509 72.8 699 55 7.9
New Jersey 501 27.6 1815 107 5.9
Wisconsin 441 35.4 1246 187 15
Washington 425 52.8 805 110 13.7
Kansas 404 19.4 2084 200 9.6
Rhode Island 401 96.6 415 123 29.6
Virginia 384 35.4 1084 84 7.7
California 374 19.6 1904 259 13.6
South Dakota 361 41.3 875 90 10.3
Maine 355 48.5 732 81 11.1
Connecticut 345 43 802 178 22.2
Michigan 333 25.4 1313 221 16.8
Vermont 234 43.5 538 87 16.2
Wyoming 231 90.6 255 96 37.6
Colorado 226 21.7 1040 125 12
Kentucky 216 17.3 1249 91 7.3
North Carolina 214 36.2 591 69 11.7
North Dakota 201 18.8 1071 115 10.7
Idaho 200 46 435 95 21.8
New Hampshire 197 37.4 527 91 17.3
Georgia 187 22.4 834 51 6.1
Utah 174 97.2 179 114 63.7
West Virginia 145 17.5 830 74 8.9
District of Columbia 122 92.4 132 33 25
South Carolina 117 28.7 407 59 14.5
Montana 109 18.5 589 75 12.7
Arkansas 91 17.5 520 54 10.4
Mississippi 89 30.7 290 38 13.1
Florida 86 16.2 530 44 8.3
New Mexico 83 23.3 356 30 8.4
Louisiana 56 15.1 370 29 7.8
Delaware 48 25.3 190 3 1.6
Arizona 32 18.5 173 24 13.9
Nevada 19 23.5 81 15 18.5
Alaska 13 54.2 24 1 4.2
Hawaii 13 72.2 18 8 44.4
All States BankerBios PctDoneBios Total Bankers BankerPhotos PctDonePhotos
Totals 27505 42.0 65474 8739 13.3


  • Thanks to the following people who have helped with Banker Bio information for the SPMC Banks & Bankers Database:
Mark Anderson, Fred Benson, Frank Clark, Greg Culpepper, Dan Dieter, Patrick Doughney, Julie Drengson, Mark Drengson, Jim Ehrhardt, Manning Garrett, Loren Gatch, Todd Gylsen, Matt Hansen, Shawn Hewitt, Derek Higgins, David Hollander, Raiden Honaker, Peter Huntoon, Glen Jorde, Karl Kabelac, Sullivan Labno, William Lynch, Fred Maples, Robert Pfaff, Cord Polen, Jay Prestin, Richard Radick, Cody Regennitter, Michael Saharian, Tim Sanda, Gil Sem, Adam Stroup, Steve Sweeney, Andy Timmerman, Cory Williams.