Terre Hill National Bank, Terre Hill, PA (Charter 9316)

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Terre Hill National Bank, Terre Hill, PA (Chartered 1909 - Liquidated 1930)

Town History

ca.2015 photo of the old Terre Hill NB building.
ca.2015 photo of the old Terre Hill NB building. Courtesy of Google maps

Terre Hill is a borough in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Terre Hill was formerly known as "Fairville". It was incorporated as a borough in 1907 after a successful court battle to separate from East Earl Township. The borough was once considered to be the hub of cigar-making in Lancaster County. One of its most recognizable landmarks is the 19th-century clock at the borough hall.

Terre Hill has the second fewest residents of any incorporated borough in Lancaster County, with the exception of Christiana. The population of Terre Hill was 1,295 at the 2010 census and an estimated 1,435 in 2019. In 1910 the population was 882.

Terre Hill had one National Bank chartered during the Bank Note Era, and it issued National Bank Notes.

Bank History

  • Organized June 11, 1908
  • Chartered January 11, 1909
  • Opened for business January 19, 1909
  • Liquidated March 7, 1930
  • Absorbed by 8421 (Blue Ball National Bank, Blue Ball, PA)

Official Bank Title(s)

1: The Terre Hill National Bank, Terre Hill, PA

Bank Note Types Issued

1902 Plain Back $20 bank note with printed signatures of Levi F. Talley, Cashier and F.S. Stover, President.
1902 Plain Back $20 bank note with printed signatures of Levi F. Talley, Cashier and F.S. Stover, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions, www.ha.com
1929 Type 1 $10 bank note with printed signatures of John M. Slater, Jr., Cashier and J.M. Wenger, President.
1929 Type 1 $10 bank note with printed signatures of John M. Slater, Jr., Cashier and J.M. Wenger, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions, www.ha.com

A total of $423,910 in National Bank Notes was issued by this bank between 1909 and 1930. This consisted of a total of 34,040 notes (32,396 large size and 1,644 small size notes).

This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:

Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1902 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 3350
1902 Plain Back 3x10-20 3351 - 8099
1929 Type 1 6x10 1 - 232
1929 Type 1 6x20 1 - 42

Bank Presidents and Cashiers

Bank Presidents and Cashiers during the National Bank Note Era (1909 - 1930):



Other Bank Note Signers

  • There are currently no known Vice President or Assistant Cashier bank note signers for this bank.

Wiki Links
