First National Bank/First Blair County NB, Tyrone, PA (Charter 4355)

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Postcard of the First National Bank of Tyrone
Postcard of the First National Bank of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, postmarked 1911.  Courtesy of Adam Stroup

First National Bank/First Blair County NB, Tyrone, PA (Chartered 1890 - Closed (Merger) 1986)

Town History

Postcard of the First National Bank of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, ca1900s.
Postcard of the First National Bank of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, ca1900s.  Courtesy of Adam Stroup

Tyrone is a borough in Blair County, Pennsylvania, 15 miles northeast of Altoona, on the Little Juniata River. Tyrone was of considerable commercial importance in the twentieth century. It was an outlet for the Clearfield coal fields and was noted for manufacturing paper products. There were planing mills as well as chemical and candy factories. In 1900, 5,847 people lived here; in 1910, 7,176; and in 1940, 8,845 people resided here. The population was 5,477 at the 2010 census. It was named after County Tyrone in Ireland.

Located along the main lines of the Norfolk Southern and Nittany and Bald Eagle railroads, and U.S. Route 220, Pennsylvania Route 453, and Interstate 99 highways, Tyrone was at one time known as "The Hub of the Highways". In those days, four railroads [Pennsylvania; Tyrone and Clearfield; Tyrone and Lock Haven; Lewisburg and Tyrone] and three main highways [US-220, PA-350, PA-453] converged there.

Tyrone had three National Banks chartered during the Bank Note Era, and all three of those banks issued National Bank Notes.

Bank History

  • Organized June 9, 1890
  • Chartered July 2, 1890
  • 1: Assumed 6516 and its circulation by consolidation October 8, 1932 with title change (Blair County National Bank, Tyrone, PA)
  • Bank was Open past 1935
  • For Bank History after 1935 see the FDIC Bank History website
  • Merged into Mid-State Bank & Trust in Altoona, PA, November 1, 1986

In May 1890, the room lately occupied by C. B. McWilliams in the Odd Fellows' building on Main street was being prepared for Nowlin Brothers, druggists. The room to be vacated by Nowlin Brothers on the corner of Main and Juniata Streets, would be fitted up for the First National Bank of Tyrone.

On Monday, June 9, 1890, the stockholders of the First National Bank of Tyrone held a meeting for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization. The following officers were elected: President, J.S. Morrison; Vice President, J.F. Van Valzah; Directors, J.S. Morrison. J.F. Van Valzah, George D. Blair, John A. Crawford, Dr. J.M. Smith, A.A. Stevens, Esq., and Isaac P. Walton. Mr. D. Shelly Kloss was chosen as cashier of the new bank; he was the cashier of the First National Bank of Mifflintown, and a well-equipped banker. C.J. Burley was the assistant cashier. The capital stock which had first been determined upon at $50,000 was increased to $75,000. The bank planned to be ready for business about the first of August after the extensive improvements to their building were completed.

On October 17, 1890, John S. Morrison passed away in Tyrone. A few weeks prior to his death, Mr. Morrison organized the Morrison & Cass Paper Company. He started in the paper mill business in 1865 with successes and set backs due to fires. He was President of this Company which was organized in order that he might free himself to a large extent from the care of active management, and give him opportunity to look after his many other large business interests. He was largely instrumental in the organization of the First National Bank of Tyrone in the past summer, and of this institution he was President and Director. He was also a stockholder and Director in the Howard Plate Glass Co., of Pittsburgh, which was formed a year ago and was one of the leading manufacturing companies in the western part of the state. With A.A. Stevens, Esq., he was associated in the ownership and operation of coal lands in the Cambria region. Besides these interests, he also owned valuable Chicago real estate and had other business connections in the west.

in January 1891, Edgar Doty of Mifflintown, formerly engaged in the First National Bank of Bedford, entered the First National Bank of Tyrone to assist Cashier Kloss during the illness of Claude Burley.

In January 1891, the bank had just completed ten years of prosperous existence. Directors added since 1890 were Joseph K. Cass, Jacob H. Mattern, A.D. Mingle and D. Shelley Kloss. Mr. Cass succeeded Mr. Morrison as president and Mr. Blair was the second vice president, and upon his retirement, Mr. Walton succeeded him to that office. The capital was at $100,000 and the surplus was $50,000 and undivided profits of $6,000. The stockholders over the previous decade received $58,500 in dividends. In 1900, the bank discounted commercial paper valued at over $2,500,000, or a half million dollars greater than the assessed valuation of Tyrone. A Corliss spherical safe costing $3,000 was installed some time ago and a Burrows arithmometer, or counting machine, costing $375 was added to the bank's equipment.

On Tuesday, January 12, 1897, the annual meeting of the stockholders was held between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. For the annual election E.J. Pruner, George W. Bridenbaugh and Diller Buck were the tellers. The board of directors was re-elected, consisting of Joseph K. Cass, Isaac P. Walton, Adie A. Stevens, John A. Crawford, Adie Mingle, Jacob H. Mattern and D. Shelley Kloss. The board of directors organized by re-electing Joseph K. Cass, president; John A. Crawford secretary; and D. Shelley Kloss cashier. For vice president to succeed George D. Blair, who recently retired from the directory, Isaac P. Walton was elected. Mr. Walton was one of Tyrone's oldest, most prominent and widely esteemed businessmen and his selection for the vice presidency of the bank was a happy one.

On Tuesday, January 9, 1906, at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank, the board of directors was re-elected as follows: Joseph K. Cass, A.D. Mingle, A.A. Stevens, Jacob H. Mattern, John A. Crawford, John G. Anderson, D. Shelley Kloss. The directors met in the afternoon and re-elected all the officers of the bank, who were Joseph K. Cass, president; A.A. Stevens, vice president; John A. Crawford, secretary; D. Shelley Kloss, cashier; D. Hayes Burnham, assistant cashier.

On Tuesday, January 8, 1924, at the annual meeting of the shareholders, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: John G. Anderson, president; John D. Meyer, vice president; D. Hayes Burnham, cashier. The directors unanimously re-elected were: John G. Anderson, Joseph A. Atlee, A.R. Grier, Frank K. Mattern, John D. Meyer, Nevin N. Miller and Dr. John B. Nason.

On Wednesday, January 13, 1932, at the annual meeting of the stockholders and directors of the First National Bank, all officers and directors were re-elected. The directors were Dr. John B. Nason, A.R. Grier, N.N. Miller, George C. Wilson, Frank K. Mattern, Edwin S. Hooker, and John D. Meyer. The officers were: President, John D. Meyer; vice president, Dr. John B. Nason; cashier, Leo L. Garman; assistant cashier, William L. Gill; and trust officer, Edwin R. Cox.

In January 1932, the directors of the Blair County National Bank and Trust Company were Frank K. Lukenbach, William E. Hoffman, C.A. Steel, Calvin A. Seeds, Dr. D.F. Glasgow, Paul F. Gillam, and John W. Burket. The officers of the bank were:  President, Frank K. Lukenbach; vice president, William E. Hoffman; cashier, A. Bernard Vogt; assistant cashier, Samuel L. Barr; trust officer, Frank E. Jones. 

On September 28, 1932, at a meeting of the board of directors of the First Blair County National Bank, Tyrone, Frank K. Lukenbach, for many years president of the Blair County National Bank and Trust Company, was elected president of the newly organized banking institution, a consolidation of the First National Bank and the Blair County National Bank and Trust Company, both of Tyrone. Dr. John B. Nason, who had been vice president of the First National Bank, was elected chairman of board, William E. Hoffman, former vice president of the Blair County National Bank, and J.D. Meyer, former president of the First National Bank, were elected first and second vice presidents, respectively. Other officers elected were A. Bernard Vogt, cashier; Edwin R. Cox, trust officer; Leo L. Garman and Samuel L. Barr, assistant cashiers; Frank E. Jones, assistant trust officer. William L. Hicks and Ben C. Jones were designated as counsel for the institution. The directors of the consolidated bank were John W. Burket, Paul F. Gillam, Dr. Daniel F. Glasgow, William E. Hoffman, Edwin S. Hooker, Benjamin C. Jones, Frank K. Lukenbach, Frank K. Mattern, John D. Meyer, Nevin N. Miller, John B. Nason, Calvin A. Seeds, Chalmers A. Steel, and George C. Wilson. The agreement between the boards of directors of the First National Bank and the Blair County National Bank and Trust Company was made early in August and was approved by the Comptroller of the Currency on August 26. The capital, surplus and undivided profits of the consolidated bank was in excess of $400,000. Each shareholder of the Blair County; National Bank and Trust company received 1 and 9-16th shares of stock in the consolidated bank for each share held in the former organization while shareholders of the First National received 1 ½ shares for each share held in the old organization. The deposits of the consolidated bank exceeded $2.5 million. Mr. Lukenbach had been associated with the Blair County National Bank since 1902 as vice president, becoming president upon the death of A.G. Morris in 1924. John D. Meyer, second vice president of the consolidate bank, came to Tyrone in 1921 as vice president of the First National Bank and became president in 1927 upon the death of John G. Anderson. Mr. Meyer was widely known in banking circles and for many years was secretary of Group Six of the Pennsylvania Bankers’ Association.

On Friday, January 11, 1935, at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the First Blair County National Bank, Frank K. Lukenbach was re-elected president of the board of directors, with Dr. John B. Nason, chairman of the board. Other officers elected were, vice presidents, John D. Meyer, William E. Hoffman; cashier, A. Bernard Vogt; assistant cashiers, William L. Gill, Samuel L. Barr; trust officer, Edward R. Cox, assistant trust officer, Frank E. Jones; directors, John W. Burket, Paul F. Gillam, William E. Hoffman, Edwin S. Hooker, Benjamin C. Jones, Frank K. Lukenbach, Frank K. Mattern, John D. Meyer, Nevin N. Miller, John B. Nason, Chalmers A. Steel and George C. Wilson, Sr.

On Tuesday, January 16, 1962, the directors and officers of the First Blair County National Bank of Tyrone were re-elected for 1962 at the annual meetings of the stockholders and directors of the bank. The directors re-elected were Benjamin C. Jones, Gilbert M. Kessler, Samuel L. Lake, Anthony Mannino, John D. Meyer, William C. Morrow and William A. O'Connor. The officers re-elected were: John D. Meyer, president; Benjamin C. Jones, vice-president; William O'Connor, executive vice president, cashier and trust officer; Samuel L. Barr, assistant vice president; George B. Stevens, assistant trust officer; William C. Morrow, secretary of the board; and Anthony Mannino, assistant secretary of the board.

Official Bank Titles

1: The First National Bank of Tyrone, PA

2: First Blair County National Bank of Tyrone, PA (10/8/1932)

Bank Note Types Issued

1882 Brown Back $5 bank note with pen signatures of D.S. Kloss, Cashier and George D. Blair, Vice President.
1882 Brown Back $5 bank note with pen signatures of D.S. Kloss, Cashier and George D. Blair, Vice President. Courtesy of Lyn Knight Auctions,
1902 Plain Back $10 bank note with pen signatures of D.S. Kloss, Cashier and A.A. Stevens, Vice President
1902 Plain Back $10 bank note with pen signatures of D.S. Kloss, Cashier and A.A. Stevens, Vice President Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
1902 Plain Back $20 bank note with printed signatures of D.H. Burnham, Cashier and John D. Meyer, Vice President.
1902 Plain Back $20 bank note with printed signatures of D.H. Burnham, Cashier and John D. Meyer, Vice President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
1929 Type 1 $5 bank note with printed signatures of Leo L. Garman, Cashier and John D. Meyer, President.
1929 Type 1 $5 bank note with printed signatures of Leo L. Garman, Cashier and John D. Meyer, President. Courtesy of Lyn Knight Auctions,
1929 Type 2 $5 bank note with the bank's second title and printed signatures of A. Bernard Vogt, Cashier and F.K. Lukenbach, President.
1929 Type 2 $5 bank note with the bank's second title and printed signatures of A. Bernard Vogt, Cashier and F.K. Lukenbach, President. Courtesy of Lyn Knight Auctions,

A total of $2,570,350 in National Bank Notes was issued by this bank between 1890 and 1986. This consisted of a total of 332,017 notes (269,196 large size and 62,821 small size notes).

This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:

Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1: 1882 Brown Back 4x5 1 - 15437
1: 1882 Brown Back 3x10-20 1 - 5280
1: 1882 Date Back 4x5 1 - 1908
1: 1882 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 1124
1: 1902 Date Back 4x5 1 - 6600
1: 1902 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 4860
1: 1902 Plain Back 4x5 6601 - 25740
1: 1902 Plain Back 3x10-20 4861 - 17810
1: 1929 Type 1 6x5 1 - 3568
1: 1929 Type 1 6x10 1 - 1704
1: 1929 Type 1 6x20 1 - 484
2: 1929 Type 1 6x5 1 - 834
2: 1929 Type 1 6x10 1 - 528
2: 1929 Type 1 6x20 1 - 178
2: 1929 Type 2 5 1 - 11400
2: 1929 Type 2 10 1 - 5737
2: 1929 Type 2 20 1 - 1908

Bank Presidents and Cashiers

Bank Presidents and Cashiers during the National Bank Note Era (1890 - 1986):



Other Bank Note Signers

Wiki Links


  • Tyrone, PA, on Wikipedia
  • Don C. Kelly, National Bank Notes, A Guide with Prices. 6th Edition (Oxford, OH: The Paper Money Institute, 2008).
  • Dean Oakes and John Hickman, Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes. 2nd Edition (Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1990).
  • Banks & Bankers Historical Database (1782-1935),
  • Altoona Tribune, Altoona, PA, Fri., May 16, 1890.
  • Tyrone Daily Herald, Tyrone, PA, Tue., June 10, 1890.
  • Tyrone Daily Herald, Tyrone, PA, Tue., July 26, 1890.
  • Tyrone Daily Herald, Tyrone, PA, Fri., Oct. 17, 1890.
  • Tyrone Daily Herald, Tyrone, PA, Tue., Jan. 6, 1891.
  • Tyrone Daily Herald, Tyrone, PA, Tue., Jan. 12, 1897.
  • Tyrone Daily Herald, Tyrone, PA, Thu., Jan. 3, 1901.
  • Tyrone Daily Herald, Tyrone, PA, Tue., Jan. 9, 1906.
  • Altoona Tribune, Altoona, PA, Wed., Jan. 9, 1924.
  • Altoona Tribune, Altoona, PA, Fri., Jan. 15, 1932.
  • Altoona Tribune, Altoona, PA, Thu., Sep. 29, 1932.
  • Altoona Tribune, Altoona, PA, Sat., Jan. 12, 1935.
  • Tyrone Daily Herald, Tyrone, PA, Wed., Jan. 17, 1962.