First National Bank, Barnesville, OH (Charter 911)

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Postcard of the First National Bank of Barnesville, OH, ca1910.
Postcard of the First National Bank of Barnesville, OH, ca1910. Courtesy of Adam Stroup

First National Bank, Barnesville, OH (Chartered 1865 - Closed (Merger) 1998)

Town History

Bank letterhead dated November 25, 1908. J.M. Lewis, president, G.E. Bradfield, cashier, Capital $100,000 and Surplus $80,000.
Bank letterhead dated November 25, 1908.
The First National Bank of Barnesville, Ohio, located on the corner of S. Chestnut and E. Main Streets, ca2020.
The First National Bank of Barnesville, Ohio, located on the corner of S. Chestnut and E. Main Streets, ca2020. Courtesy of Google Maps

Barnesville is a village in Belmont County, Ohio. It is located in the central portion of Warren Township in Belmont County and is part of the Wheeling metropolitan area. The population was 4,008 at the 2020 census. In 1860 the population was 1,157, peaking in 1940 at 5,002

The town was named after James Barnes, who was the first settler. Barnes was born in Montgomery County, Maryland and was married to Nancy Harrison, "an intelligent Quaker lady". Barnes owned a farm in Montgomery County, and later laid out a town there, also known as Barnesville, Maryland, where he operated a country store for a while.

In 1803 he moved to St. Clairsville, Ohio where he operated a tavern and general store. In 1806 Barnes settled in Warren Township in Belmont County where he cleared forest, built a house, established a tannery and general store and planted orchards. In November 1808, the town of Barnesville was laid out, and four years later Mr. Barnes and his family became permanent residents of the new village. Barnesville was described in 1833 as having six stores and a steam mill; it was incorporated as a village in 1835.

Barnesville had three National Banks chartered during the Bank Note Era, and all three of those banks issued National Bank Notes.

Bank History

  • Organized February 11, 1865
  • Chartered March 18, 1865
  • Bank was Open past 1935
  • For Bank History after 1935 see FDIC Bank History website
  • Merged into Wesbanco Bank in Wheeling, WV, July 17, 1998

On Tuesday, January 12, 1869, stockholders elected the following directors: John Bradfield, G.M. Jones, J.W. Frazier, Francis Davis, J.H. Collins, J.R. Hunt, and John B. Ward. John Bradfield was re-elected president and J.F. Davis, cashier.

In February 1874, the efficient cashier, Mr. John F. Davis was about to sever his connection with the bank to attend to his interests in the Aetna Grate Bar Co., which had grown to great importance. His place would be filled by the experienced and popular teller, E.P. Lee, Esq. Charles Bradfield, a joung man of ability, integrity and of promising business qualifications, and son of Mr. John Bradfield, the president of the bank would be added to the clerical force.

Official Bank Title(s)

1: The First National Bank of Barnesville, OH

Bank Note Types Issued

Original Series $2 bank note with pen signatures of J.F. Davis, Cashier and John Bradfield, President.
Original Series $2 bank note with pen signatures of J.F. Davis, Cashier and John Bradfield, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
1902 Red Seal $100 bank note with pen signatures of G.E. Bradfield, Cashier and J.M. Lewis, President.
1902 Red Seal $100 bank note with pen signatures of G.E. Bradfield, Cashier and J.M. Lewis, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
1902 Date Back $50 bank note with pen signatures of Fred Hunt, Cashier and C.J. Bradfield, President.
1902 Date Back $50 bank note with pen signatures of Fred Hunt, Cashier and C.J. Bradfield, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
1929 Type 1 $50 bank note with printed signatures of Fred Hunt, Cashier and C.J. Bradfield, President
1929 Type 1 $50 bank note with printed signatures of Fred Hunt, Cashier and C.J. Bradfield, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,

A total of $1,637,150 in National Bank Notes was issued by this bank between 1865 and 1935. This consisted of a total of 55,004 notes (52,292 large size and 2,712 small size notes).

This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:

Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
Original Series 3x1-2 1 - 1600
Original Series 4x5 1 - 2400
Original Series 3x10-20 1 - 2370
Series 1875 3x10-20 1 - 2286
1882 Brown Back 50-100 1 - 2980
1902 Red Seal 50-100 1 - 1100
1902 Date Back 50-100 1 - 500
1902 Date Back 3x50-100 1 - 1700
1902 Plain Back 3x50-100 1701 - 2127
1929 Type 1 6x50 1 - 252
1929 Type 1 6x100 1 - 80
1929 Type 2 5 1 - 480
1929 Type 2 10 1 - 120
1929 Type 2 20 1 - 120

Bank Presidents and Cashiers

Bank Presidents and Cashiers during the National Bank Note Era (1865 - 1935):



Other Bank Note Signers

  • There are currently no known Vice President or Assistant Cashier bank note signers for this bank.

Wiki Links


  • Barnesville, OH, on Wikipedia
  • Don C. Kelly, National Bank Notes, A Guide with Prices. 6th Edition (Oxford, OH: The Paper Money Institute, 2008).
  • Dean Oakes and John Hickman, Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes. 2nd Edition (Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1990).
  • Banks & Bankers Historical Database (1782-1935),
  • The Spirit of Democracy, Woodsfield, OH, Tue., Jan. 26, 1869.
  • Belmont Chronicle, Belmont, OH, Thu., Mar. 5, 1874.