American National Bank, Nashville, TN (Charter 3032)

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Photo of the American National Bank, circa 1912.
ca. 1912 photo of the American National Bank.

American National Bank, Nashville, TN (Chartered 1883 - Closed (Merger) 1999)

Town History

Postcard of the interior of the American National Bank, circa 1912.
ca.1912 postcard of the interior of the American National Bank

Nashville is the capital and most populous city of Tennessee. It is the county seat of Davidson County and is the 23rd most-populous city in the United States.

Nashville was named for Francis Nash, a general of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. The city was founded in 1779, and grew quickly due to its strategic location as a port on the Cumberland River and, in the 19th century, a railroad center. Nashville is a major center for the music industry, especially country music, and is commonly known as "Music City".

During the National Bank Note Era (1863-1935), the population of Nashville was 25,865 in 1870, steadily growing to 153,866 in 1930. Its highest and current population is estimated at 670,820 (2019).

Nashville had 15 National Banks chartered during the Bank Note Era, and 13 of those banks issued issued National Bank Notes. Nashville also had 16 Obsolete Banks that issued Obsolete Bank Notes during the Obsolete Bank Note Era (1782-1866).

Bank History

  • Organized July 6, 1883
  • Chartered August 16, 1883
  • Assumed 9659 by consolidation January 20, 1921 (Cumberland Valley NB, Nashville, TN)
  • Assumed its circulation
  • Absorbed 1669 (150) November 26, 1930 (Fourth NB/Fourth and First NB, Nashville, TN)
  • Assumed its circulation
  • Bank was Open past 1935
  • For Bank History after 1935 see:
  • FDIC Bank History website
  • Merged into AmSouth Bank in Birmingham, AL Dec 31, 1999

Official Bank Title(s)

1: The American National Bank of Nashville, TN

Bank Note Types Issued

Series1902 Plain Back $50 bank note with engraved signatures of F.M. Farris, Cashier and P.D. Houston, President.
Series1902 Plain Back $50 bank note with engraved signatures of F.M. Farris, Cashier and P.D. Houston, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
Series1929 Type 1 $100 bank note with printed signatures of M.E. Barr, Cashier and Paul M. Davis, President.
Series1929 Type 1 $100 bank note with printed signatures of M.E. Barr, Cashier and Paul M. Davis, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions,

A total of $23,720,110 in National Bank Notes was issued by this bank between 1883 and 1935. This consisted of a total of 2,681,063 notes (1,659,254 large size and 1,021,809 small size notes).

This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:

Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments
1882 Brown Back 4x5 1 - 1055
1882 Brown Back 3x10-20 1 - 211
1882 Brown Back 50-100 1 - 1331
1902 Red Seal 4x5 1 - 27465
1902 Red Seal 3x10-20 1 - 18484
1902 Red Seal 50-100 1 - 110
1902 Date Back 4x5 1 - 69300
1902 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 51600
1902 Date Back 50-100 1 - 240
1902 Date Back 3x50-100 1 - 2758
1902 Plain Back 4x5 69301 - 224985
1902 Plain Back 3x10-20 51601 - 137162
1902 Plain Back 3x50-100 2759 - 4611
1929 Type 1 6x5 1 - 79276
1929 Type 1 6x10 1 - 42702
1929 Type 1 6x20 1 - 14808
1929 Type 1 6x50 1 - 2574
1929 Type 1 6x100 1 - 970
1929 Type 2 5 1 - 110758
1929 Type 2 10 1 - 55451
1929 Type 2 20 1 - 13620

Bank Presidents and Cashiers

1887 Clearing document from the American National Bank, with A.W. Harris as Cashier.
1887 Clearing document from the American National Bank, with A.W. Harris as Cashier.

First National Bank Presidents and Cashiers during the National Bank Note Era (1883 - 1936):



Other Known Bank Note Signers

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