Harold Warriner Stevens (Hartford, CT)

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1913 photo of Harold W. Stevens, President of the Hartford National Bank
1913 photo of Harold W. Stevens, President of the Hartford National Bank

Harold Warriner Stevens (Jan. 6, 1855 – Dec. 21, 1937)


Photo published in 1915 of Harold W. Stevens upon his resignation as president of the Hartford National Bank.
Photo published in 1915 of Harold W. Stevens upon his resignation as president of the Hartford National Bank.
  • Name: Harold Warriner Stevens
  • Birth: January 6, 1855, Warren, Warren County, Pennsylvania
  • Death: December 21, 1937, Ventnor, New Jersey
Mr. Harold W. Stevens began his banking career as a messenger. In 1915, his resignation as president of the Hartford National Bank was accepted by the board of directors who unanimously elected him to be second vice president, a new office, and granted him a leave of absence for one year. Mr. Stevens spoke with pride of his connection with two of the oldest financial institutions of Hartford, the Hartford Fire Insurance Company and the Hartford Bank.  During his term as president of the Hartford National Bank, the surplus and undivided profits of the bank increased from $641,000 to $1,149,000 while annual dividends were from 6% to 8% per annum.

Harold W. Stevens, former president of the Hartford National Bank from 1900 to 1915 died December 21, 1937 at his home in Ventnor, New Jersey. Mr. Stevens came to Hartford in 1889, assuming the duties of vice-president of the bank at that time. He was elected president of the bank in 1900 after the death of James Bolter, then president. He was active in the consolidation of the Farmers and Mechanics National Bank with the Hartford National Bank and was also instrumental in building the structure at Main and Asylum streets to which the bank moved in 1912 after approximately 100 years in its State Street quarters. Mr. Stevens retired in 1915. Funeral services were held in Boston, Mass on December 23rd and the body cremated at the Forest Hills Cemetery. His wife, Frances E. (Ball) Stevens, and a brother, Ralph L. Stevens survived him. Mrs. Stevens lived until 1947.

Bank Officer Summary

During his banking career, Harold W. Stevens was involved with the following banks:

1882 Brown Back $5 bank note from the Northampton National Bank, charter #1018, with pen signatures of H.W. Stevens, Cashier and Oscar Edwards, President.
1882 Brown Back $5 bank note from the Northampton National Bank, charter #1018, with pen signatures of H.W. Stevens, Cashier and Oscar Edwards, President. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions, www.ha.com
1902 Red Seal $5 bank note from the Hartford National Bank, charter 1338, with printed signatures of F.P. Furlong, Cashier and H.W. Stevens, President.
1902 Red Seal $5 bank note from the Hartford National Bank, charter 1338, with printed signatures of F.P. Furlong, Cashier and H.W. Stevens, President. Courtesy of Lyn Knight Auctions, www.lynknight.com


  • Banks & Bankers Historical Database (1782-1935), https://spmc.org/bank-note-history-project
  • The Bankers' Magazine, Vol. 86, Jan. 1913-June 1913, pp 211-216.
  • Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Tue., Nov. 30, 1880
  • Boston Evening Transcript, Boston, MA, Tue., Jan. 14, 1890.
  • Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT, Sat., Jan. 9, 1915.
  • Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT, Wed., Feb. 17, 1915.
  • Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT, Wed., April 28, 1915.
  • Press of Atlantic City, Atlantic City, NJ, Wed., Dec. 22, 1937.
  • Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT, Wed., Dec. 29, 1937.